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- Castro-Garcia, S. , G. L. Blanco-Roldan, L. Ferguson, E. J. Sanchez-Gonzalez and J. A. Gil-Ribes. Frequency response of Valencia oranges to selective harvesting by vibration for juice industry. Biosystem Engineering. 10.1016/ j.biosystemseng.2016.11.012 (received at Elsevier 12/03/16).
- Sajid, M., Abdur-Rab, N. Ali, M. Arif, L. Ferguson, and M. Admed. Effect of foliar application of Zn and B on fruit production and physiological disorders in sweet orange cv. blood orange. Sarhad J. Agric. 26(3):355-360.
Book Chapters
- Spann, T.L. and L. Ferguson. 2014.: Commercial Production of Container Grown Citrus Trees. 10 pp. In: Citrus Production Manual (publication # 3539) 2014. Eds. L. Ferguson and E. Grafton Cardwell. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Press. 433 pp.
- Webber, H.L., J. Barker and L. Ferguson. 2014: . History and Development of the California Citrus Industry. 18 pp. In: Citrus Production Manual (publication # 3539) 2014. Eds. L. Ferguson and E. Grafton Cardwell. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Press. 433 pp.
Books Edited
- Eds. L. Ferguson and E. Grafton Cardwell.: Citrus Production Manual (Pub. # 3539) 2014 University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources Press. 433 pp.