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- Walton, J.H., J.M. Gardner and L. Ferguson. Determining the oil and water content of single olives using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) spectroscopy. 2016. Int. Soc. Hort. Science: 8th International Olive Symposium. October 10th – 14th 2016. Split Croatia. Acta Horticulturae. ** SUBMITTED **
- Castro-Garcia, S. , G. L. Blanco-Roldan, L. Ferguson, E. J. Sanchez-Gonzalez and J. A. Gil-Ribes.. Frequency response of Valencia oranges to selective harvesting by vibration for juice industry. Biosystem Engineering. 10.1016/ j.biosystemseng. (received at Elsevier 12/03/16).
- Gil-Ribes, J. A., L. Ferguson, Sergio Castro Garcia, and G. L. Blanco- Roldan. 2014. How engineers develop mechanical harvesters: the University perspective. HortTechnology. 24(3) pp. 270-273.
- Ferguson, L. and S.C. Garcia. 2014. Transformation of an ancient crop: preparing California’s ‘Manzanillo table olives for mechanical harvesting. HortTechnology 24(3) 274-280 (2014 Best Extension Paper Award by American Society of Horticultural Science) .
- Ferguson, L. J. A. Miles. S. Casto-Garcia, T. Saracoglu, F. Ramacho- Aranda, F. Jiminez-Jiminez, W.H. Krueger and E. Fichtner. 2014. Developingmechanical harvesting for California “Black Ripe” table olives (Olea europeae cv. ‘Manzanillo’). Journal of Agricultural Machinery Science. 10(2) pp.157-163.
- Krueger, W.H., L. Ferguson, S. Cutter and A. Isern. 2013. Establishing and training Manzanilo table olives for mechanical harvest. 2011. Proc. of 4th Int. Conf. Olivebioteq. Vol. 1 pp. 239-241.
- Jiminez-Jiminez, F., Castro-Garcia, S., G. Blanco-Roldan, L. Ferguson, U. A. Rosa and J. A. Gil Ribes. 2013. Table olive cultivar susceptibility to impact bruising. Postharvest. Biology and Tech. 86 (2013) 101-106.
- Castro-García, S., Blanco Roldán, G.L., Jiménez-Jiménez, F., Gil-Ribes, J.A., Ferguson, L., Glozer, K., Krueger, W.H., Fichtner, E.J., Burns, J.K., Miles, J.A. and Rosa, U.A. 2012. Preparing Spain and California’s Table Olive Industries for Mechanical Harvesting. Acta Hortic. 965, 29-40 DOI: 10.17660/ ActaHortic.2012.965.1.
- Crisosto, C.H., L. Ferguson, and G. Nanos. Olive (Olea europeaea L.). In: Postharvest biology and technology of tropical and subtropical fruits,2012. Vol 4: Mangosteen to white sapote. (ed.) Elhadi M. Yahia. Woodhead Pub., Cambridge. Pp.63-84.
- Burrack, H.J., R. Bingham, R. Prince, J.H. Connell, P. Phillips, L. Wunderlich, P.M. Vossen, N.V. O’Connell, L. Ferguson, and F.G. Zalom. Understanding the seasonal and reproductive biology of olive fruit fly is critical to its management. Cal. Ag. 65(1):14-20.
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- Ferguson, L., Glozer, K., Crisosto, C., Rosa, U.A., Castro-Garcia, S., Fichtner, E.J., Guinard, J.X., Lee, S.M., Krueger, W.H., Miles, J.A. and Burns, J.K. 2012. Improving Canopy Contact Olive Harvester Efficiency with Mechanical Pruning. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 965:83-87.
- Castro-García, S., Blanco Roldán, G.L., Jiménez-Jiménez, F., Gil-Ribes, J.A., Ferguson, L., Glozer, K., Krueger, W.H., Fichtner, E.J., Burns, J.K., Miles, J.A. and Rosa, U.A. 2012. Preparing Spain and California’s Table Olive Industries for Mechanical Harvesting. Acta Hortic. 965, 29-40 DOI: 10.17660/ ActaHortic.2012.965.1 .
Book Chapters
- Castro-Garcia and L. Ferguson: Mechanical Harvesting of Olives. In: Olive and Olive Oil as Functional Foods. Eds. Kiritsakis, Paul Apostolos and Shahidi Faridoon. Wiley Press. 14 pp. ** IN PRESS **
Limited Distribution
- Ferguson, l., J.A. Miles, U.A. Rosa, S. Castro-Garcia, W.H. Krueger, E.J. Fichtner and P.M. Vossen. 2013. . Developing mechanical harvesting for California black ripe table olives. Australia and New Zealand Olive grower & Processor. Issue 87. Pp. 17-23.
- Lee, S.M., C. Sirimunangmoon, K. Kitsawad, L. Ferguson, and J-X. Guinard. Sensory characteristics and consumer acceptance of mechanically (canopy contact harvester) harvested California black olives: Report for 2010-2011. Report to California Olive Committee. 25 pp.
- Ferguson, L., Guinard, J-X. Rosa, U., and J. Burns. Developing mechanical harvesting for California black ripe processed table olives: 2007-2010: Year 4/4 Interim Report. Report to the California Olive Committee. 26 pp.
- Ferguson, L., J. Burns, J.X. Guinard and U. Rosa. Developing mechanical harvesting for California black ripe processed table olives: 2007-2010: year 4/4 Interim Report. 2010 Annual Report to the California Olive Committee. 4 pp.
- October, Determining the oil and water content of single olives using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Int.Soc. Hort. Sci.: VIIIth International Olive Symposium, Split, Croatia. October 10th – 14th 2016.
- December 7, Producing Oil and Table Olives in Florida. Olive Production in Florida Tour UFL CREC Lake Alfred FL. December 7th – 10th 2015
- November 24, Ferguson, L. 2015. Mechanical Pruning and Harvesting of Table Olives. MechOlivar Conference and Field Day, Cordoba, Spain. November 24th 2015.
- November 3, Ferguson, L., J.A. Miles, S. Castro-Garcia, T. Sarcoglu, F. Aranda, F Jiminez-Jiminez, W.H. Krueger, E.L. Fochtner. Developing Mechanical harvesting for California “Black Ripe” Table Olives (Olea europeacv. ‘Manzanillo’). Olive Bioteq 2014: 5th International Conference for Olives and Olive Tree Products, Amman, Jordan. November 3-6th 2014.
- July, Ferguson, L., J. A. Miles, W.H. Krueger, E. J. Fichtner, S. Castro-Garcia, T. Saracoglu, F. Jiminez-Jiminez and F.J. Romacho. 2014. Developing Mechanical Harvesting for California Black Ripe Table Olives: Olea europaea cv. ‘Manzanillo’. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. Annual Conference., Orlando FL July 27th – 30th 2014.
- November 23, Ferguson, L. and S.C. Wang. 2013 New Chemical Methods for Determining Olive Oil Freshness. 2nd International Conference on Olives in Palestine, Tulkarm, Palestine. November 23rd – 28th 2013.
- May 27, Ferguson, L. 2014. Mechanical Pruning and Harvesting of Olives. 1st International Symposium on Olives. Croatian Institute of Karst Topography and Horticulture, Split, Croatia. June 1st – 4th 2013
- February 7, L. Ferguson, J.A. Miles, U.A. Rosa, S. Castro Garcia, E.J. Fichtner. W.H. Krueger, J.X. Guinard, K. Gloze, C.H. Crisosto, J. Burns, G.L. Blanco-Roldan and J. A. Gil-Ribes. 2013. Mechanical Harvesting of Table Olives: California and Spain. American Society of Agronomy: California Chapter Annual Meeting, Visalia, CA.
- September 25, Ferguson, L, K. Glozer, C.H. Crisosto, H. Reyes, U.A. Rosa, S. Sergio-Castro Garcia, J.A, Miles, J. Roach, C. Wheaton, E.J. Fichtner, N.V. O’Connell, J.X. Guinard, S.M. Lee, W.H. Krueger, H. Hu, J.K. Burns, D. Moin. 2012. Improving Canopy Contact Olive Harvester Efficiency with Mechanical Pruning. Int. Soc. Hort. Sci. VIIth Int. Symp. On Olive Growing, San Juan, Argentina. Sept. 25th – 29th 2012.
- September 25, Ferguson, L., J.A, Miles, U.A. Rosa, S. Sergio-Castro Garcia, E.J. Fichtner, W.H. Krueger, J.X. Guinard, S.M. Lee, K. Glozer, C.H. Crisosto, J.K. Burns, J.L. Blanco-Roldan, J. Gil Ribes. 2012. Mechanical harvesting of Table Olives: California and Spain. Int. Soc. Hort. Sci. VIIth Int. Symp. On Olive Growing , San Juan, Argentina. Sept. 25th – 29th 2012.
- April, Klonsky, K., J.A. Miles, W.H. Krueger and L. Ferguson. 2012. Economics of Mechanical Harvesting of California Table Olives. 2012. Int.Soc. Hort. Sci.: International Symposium on Mechanical Harvesting andHandling of Fruits and Nuts, April 1- 4, 2012. UFL CREC Lake Alfred FL USA.
- April, Lee, S.M., C. Sirimuangmoon, K. Kitaswad, U.A. Rosa, J.K. Burns, W.H.Krueger, E.J. Fichtner, L. Ferguson and J-X Guinard. Sensory Characteristicsand Consumer Acceptance of Mechanically (Canopy-Contact Harvester)Harvested California Black Ripe Olives. Int. Soc. Hort. Sci.: International Symposium on Mechanical Harvesting and Handling of Fruits and Nuts, April 1-4, 2012. UFL CREC Lake Alfred FL USA.
- April, Ferguson, L., Glozer, K., Crisosto, C., Rosa, U.A., Castro-Garcia,S., Fichtner, E.J., Guinard, J.X., Lee, S.M., Krueger, W.H., Miles, J.A. andBurns, J.K. 2012. Improving Canopy Contact Olive Harvester Efficiency with Mechanical Pruning. Int. Soc. Hort. Sci.: International Symposium on Mechanical Harvesting and Handling of Fruits and Nuts, April 1-4, 2012. UFLCREC Lake Alfred FL USA.
- April, Castro-García, S., Blanco Roldán, G.L., Jiménez-Jiménez, F., Gil-Ribes, J.A., Ferguson, L., Glozer, K., Krueger, W.H., Fichtner, E.J., Burns,J.K., Miles, J.A. and Rosa, U.A. 2012. Preparing Spain and California’s Table Olive Industries for Mechanical Harvesting. Int. Soc. Hort. Sci.: International Symposium on Mechanical Harvesting and Handling of Fruits and Nuts, April 1-4, 2012. UFL CREC Lake Alfred FL USA.
- February 26, Ferguson, L. 2012 Climatic Requirements for Olive Growth and Production: Table and Oil Olives as an Alternative Crop for Florida. Lake Alfred Citrus Research and Extension Center.
- February 13, Ferguson, L. 2012 Effect of Global Warming on Olive Production. IV International Table Olive Conference, Seville Spain. February 13th – 15th 2012.
- February 2, Evaluating and Preparing the Site, Establishing the Orchard, Producing the Crop. 2012. Potential for Producing Olives in Florida: Special Seminar and Workshop. UFL CREC, Lake Alfred FL.
- February 2, Introduction to the Olive: The Tree, Fruit and Growing Requirements Producing Olives in Florida. Potential for Producing Olives in Florida: Special Seminar and Workshop. UFL CREC Lake Alfred FL
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